Canadian startup TritonWear is ready to upgrade the swimming wearable it launched back in 2015 in the form of the Triton 2.
Like the first version, the device is still worn underneath your swimming cap or clipped to your goggles analyses your stroke based on the movement of your head. It can monitor key swim metrics like push-offs, turns, breathing events, dolphin kicks underwater, breakouts and more.
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That data is sent wirelessly to a secondary, poolside unit called the Triton Connect. This then sends the data over Bluetooth to the coach or swimmer's tablet, where it’s presented in real-time as graphs rather than as a stack of numbers to trawl through.
The second generation wearable's hardware is now smaller and lighter than its predecessor and offers longer battery life too. There's big improvements in the software department as TritonWear leans on artificial intelligence to offer auto-coaching features to diagnose weaknesses and provide actionable insights for coaches and swimmers to look over and work on.
The startup still sees its wearable as a good fit for competitive swimmers of all skill levels as well as triathletes. While it can be used for those who get in the pool to stay fit, they're not likely to see the value of the metrics that are best suited to those who compete in the sport. When we spoke to TritonWear’s CEO Tristan Lehari last year, he did hint that a consumer version was in the works that would focus more on the user than its current coach-centric setup.
If you fancy giving Triton 2 a try, you can pre-order it now from TritonWear's website setting you back $149 per year for one unit. If you want to add motion analysis to better analyse swim technique, that adds on an extra $39 onto that yearly total.
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